Admission Guidelines


The College is affiliated to the University of Mumbai


B. Com (Bachelor of Commerce)

B. Com ( BAF - Accounting & Finance )

BMS ( Bachelor of Management Studies)


A student seeking admission to the college shall have to present himself / herself, along with an application in the prescribed form duly filled in and signed by him/her and by his/her parents/guardians. No admission shall be granted unless it is granted by the authority of the Principal and the necessary fees have been received by the College.

A student of this College, who has qualified himself/herself for admission to a higher class, provided an application for the same, in the prescribed form.

Once admitted to the College he/she shall be liable to pay the full fees. A penalty will be levied upon a student who fails to pay the fees and other dues on or before the prescribed date.

A student once, admitted will be considered as duly enrolled for the academic year, unless he/she informs the Principal, in writing of his/her intention to leave the College.

Documents required at the time of Admission

1. Admission form in original

2. Printed Copy of Pre-Enrollment Form (College Copy) of University of Mumbai

3. Original Mark sheet of HSC along with two self-attested photo copies.

4. One self-attested photo copy of SSC

5. Original Leaving Certificate.

6. Original Passing Certificate, Provisional Certificate & Migration Certificate with two attested photocopies (for other than Maharashtra Board Students).

7. Two attested copies of caste certificate in case of OBC/SBC/SC/ST/NT category.

8. Two attested photocopies of AADHAR Card / Address Proof.

9. Attested photocopy Conversion of Grades. (For IB/CAMBRIDGE/Other Foreign Boards)

10. Attested photocopy Prima facie Certificate issued by Eligibility Section, University of Mumbai, Kalina, Santacruz. (For Foreign Boards)

The student belongs to SC/ST/NT/VJ/OBC/SBC must submit

1. Caste Certificate with one attested copy of the same.

2. Non Creamy Certificate with one attested copy of the same.(For NT/OBC/SBC students).

For Second & Third Year Classes

1. Duly filled – in Admission Form

2. Two attested copy of statement of marks of the last examination passed.

3. Three passport size latest coloured photographs of the students.

4. Attested Copy of Adhar Card

Student from other college must submit

1. Eligibility certificate from the University of Mumbai. Migration Certificate from last attended University.

2. No Objection certificate from the last attended College.

3. Application for Transfer Certificate.

All Students belonging of Other Boards are required to contact the college office with all Documents. Such students will be admitted on priority basis as per the rules. Admission will be treated as 'PROVISIONAL' until all the necessary certificates /documents such as original mark sheet, eligibility certificate, transfer certificate, school leaving etc. are submitted and approved by the College University authorities.

Status of Admission

1. All admissions will be treated as provisional until all the necessary certificates, documents are submitted and approved by the appropriate authorities.

2. No admission will be regarded as proper unless it is granted by the authority of the Principal.

3. All admissions will be valid for one academic year and requires renewal for each subsequent year.

4. Admission to this college will be as per the admission norms prescribed by University of Mumbai.

Admission Cancellation

Cancellation of Admission and Refund of Fees are as per University Ordinance {O. 2859, O.2859 (A), O.2859 (B)} Fee deduction on cancellation of admission as per University norms:

1. Prior to commencement of academic year Rs.500/- Lump sum

2. Up to 20 days after the commencement of academic year 20% of the total fee amount

3. From 21st day up to 50 days after the commencement of academic year 30% of the total fee amount.

4. From 51st day up to 80 days after the commencement of academic year or August 31st whichever is earlier 50% of the total fee amount

5. From September 1st to 30th 60% of the total fee amount

6. After October 1st 100% of the total fee amount