Adv. Rathnakar V. Shetty
"Life without ambition is like a Ship without a rudder". Ambition gives a definite direction to life. It also provides the necessary motivation and determination. We find in history many great men who had achieved great successes in their life and rose to great heights because of their ambition. Shivaji and Napoleon were such great personalities. Ambition should not be so high that we cannot achieve it, neither it should be so low that it requires no efforts to realize it. Ambition should be determined to keep in mind one's capacity and readiness to make efforts and if necessary, sacrifice. It should be attainable and worth of attainment.
The desire to promote higher education was in the mind of the Bombay Bunts Association for a decade and it was with the untiring efforts of the Office Bearers of the Higher Education Committee, Bombay Bunts Association, well-wishers and valuable support of Past Presidents that saw the light of the day. We were fortunate in having spontaneous and generous donations for the college from well-wishers and philanthropists of our Society. Though established recently, it was our maiden venture in the area of education, but our aim is to achieve excellence at all costs.
I am confident that our country is going to observe sustainable development and growth of the economy in the years to come. Keeping this in mind, our emphasis is on commerce education. We are confident that the institute would take care to develop the overall personality of the students, so as to equip them with modern and sensitive outlook to face the challenges of the volatile and competitive world.
I am sure that the students studying in this institute will acquire abundant knowledge and become responsible citizens of the nation. This is what we intend to practice and follow in the days ahead. Quality has no substitute and therefore the entire faculty is dedicated & devoted to developing qualitative and successful entrepreneurs of tomorrow. Wishing best luck to the students in their future endeavors.